Department of Physics 和 天文学

Physics is the scientific study of natural phenomena such as gravitation, electricity, magnetism 和 the nature of matter. The heart of 物理 is the effort to underst和 和 predict what happens in nature, using reasoning inspired 和 tested by experiment. As an Agnes Scott 物理 student, you’ll acquire a general, flexible 物理 foundation in a collaborative, engaging 和 active learning environment.

We offer three different majors in this department. This includes 物理, astro物理, math-物理. The math-物理 major was created in collaboration with the math department at Agnes Scott. 学生 pursuing the dual degree programs in engineeringcomputer science take classes in our department 和 many choose to major in math-物理 due to its flexibility 和 overlap with the dual-degree requirements. 
Agnes Scott, Carried to 90,000 feet
What will I study?
In this program, you’ll develop problem-solving 和 critical-thinking skills in the classroom 和 laboratory. Courses cover the theory of motion, 波, electromagnetism, thermal phenomena, quantum 物理, relativity, electronics, programming, methods of experimentation.

Why should I study 物理 at Agnes Scott?

  • Internship 和 研究 Opportunities
    Our 学生 have contributed to research projects at these organizations among many others:

    • Centers for Disease Control 和 上一页ention
    • Emory University
    • Georgia Institute of Technology
    • Jet Propulsion Laboratory
    • University of Alaska Center for Atmospheric 研究
    • University of Central Florida Laser Center 
  • Exciting Activities 和 Outreach Opportunities
    The departmental faculty, 学生, Agnes Scott community members participate in a variety of activities during the year.  Yearly events include a booth at the Atlanta Maker Faire, an Egg Drop, presenting at the Atlanta Science Expo, launching model rockets.  The department has movie nights in the observatory 和 dinners at faculty member's houses.  We periodically pursue larger projects, such as the 2014 launch of a weather balloon to 90,000 feet.

  • Outst和ing 设施
    110年,000-square-foot Mary Brown Bullock Science Center, 与65年,000 square feet of teaching 和 lab space, is home to the 物理, 生物学, chemistry 和 psychology departments. The building features extensive, modern instrumentation, faculty-student research laboratories, independent student-project laboratories 和 long-term observation areas. Full-time 和 part-time professors teach all 物理 labs, all 学生 have the opportunity for h和s-on research 和 experimentation.

  • Generous Telescope Access for Astro物理 Majors
    You’ll have access to Agnes Scott’s uniquely-designed Bradley Observatory 和 Delafield Planetarium, home to the astronomy department. You’ll also regularly make remote observations with telescopes in Arizona, 智利, the Canary Isl和s through Agnes Scott’s membership in the Southeastern Association for 研究 in 天文学 (SARA) consortium.

  • Extracurricular Involvement
    At Agnes Scott, learning happens outside the classroom too. You can join the Society of Physics 学生, which holds events 和 activities promoting 物理 to the campus 和 general public. 

What can I do with this degree?
With a degree in 物理, you will be prepared for professional work or graduate study in 物理, astronomy or engineering. As a graduate, you can:

  • Work in an industrial, government or university laboratory
  • Work in the imaging sciences
  • Work at medical or pharmaceutical corporations
  • Work as an engineer
  • Work at the Department of Defense
  • Work with the general public at a science center or museum
  • Pursue certification as an elementary or high school teacher
  • Attend graduate school to become a college professor or researcher
  • Attend graduate school to become a researcher in industrial, government university laboratories

For more possibilities, visit the SPS 职业生涯 Toolbox 的 Society of Physics 学生 site.