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正规博彩十大网站排名学院 (ASC) provides 住房 accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, 身体或心理残疾,视具体情况而定. 被考虑为住房住宿, 你必须在无障碍教育办公室注册.


Important dates for requesting 住房 accommodation are as follows:

  • 11月1日:返校迎春
  • 1月30日:秋季返校学生
  • 7月1日:大一新生和秋季转学生

在这些日期之后, 接受申请, 但是ASC不能保证满足你的住宿要求, 即使有适当的文件. Also all 住房 accommodation requests are subject to room availability. 如果由于房间可用性而无法满足住宿要求, ASC will make a good faith effort to discuss and provide alternative accommodations/arrangements.


The following steps are required when registering with the Office of 访问教育:

  1. 完成 新生申请. Only one application is required even when applying for multiple accommodations, ie. 学术 & 住房.
  2. 完成并上传文档和 住宿申请表格 为目标. 学生也可以将文件直接发送至  accessibility@sh-fyz.com,交至巴特里克大厦G13室或传真至404-471-6083.
  3. Once OAE receives the 住宿申请表格 and Documentation, 工作人员会联系学生, 以书面形式, 安排一次会议,讨论所要求的住宿条件 to ensure that the need and scope of the request are fully understood.



  • 以医生的信或报告的形式, 心理学家, 精神病医生或其他医疗服务提供者 有资格做出诊断,目前正在治疗你 for the disability for which you are requesting a 住房 accommodation. 例如, a psychiatrist would not be an appropriate clinician to provide documentation for a gastrointestinal condition.
  • The documentation must be on official letterhead and should be signed and dated within the last year.
  • 包括一个具体的诊断, 对你目前状况的陈述, 你最近一次评估的日期和总结, 以及你病情的预期持续时间.
  • 的状态 施加的当前影响(或功能限制) 你的生活状况.
  • Explain how the condition relates to your request for 住房 accommodation. There must be a direct link established between the condition and your requested 住房 accommodation.
  • 清楚地陈述 具体住宿建议 作为条件的结果.
    Include possible alternatives if the requested accommodation is not available.
  • 提供证据证明提供者是 目前正在治疗 根据所要求的住宿条件.

Examples of disabilities that may qualify for a 住房 accommodation:

  • Physical impairments requiring a wheelchair and/or adaptive equipment
  • Medical conditions requiring extensive medical equipment and supplies
  • 视觉障碍
  • 严重的身体或心理状况

房屋及住宿检讨 & 决定

Once the 住宿申请表格 and Documentation has been received the Housing Accommodation Committee will review. We evaluate all requests for need-based 住房 assignments carefully. The following factors are considered when evaluating 住房 requests:


  • Is impact of the condition life threatening if the request is not met?
  • Is there a negative health impact that may be permanent if the request is not met?
  • Is the request an integral component of a treatment plan for the condition in question?
  • What is the likely impact on 学术 performance if the request is not met?
  • What is the likely impact on social development if the request is not met?
  • What is the likely impact on the student's level of comfort if the request is not met?


  • 该请求是否与最初的住房请求一起提出?
  • Was the request made before the important dates for 住房 requests for the semester in question?
  • Was the request made as soon as possible after identifying the need? (Based on date of diagnosis, receipt of 住房 assignment, change in status, etc.)


  • 有满足学生需要的空间吗?
  • Can space be adapted to provide the requested configuration without creating a safety hazard?
  • Are there other effective methods or 住房 configurations that would achieve similar benefits as the requested configuration?
  • How does meeting this request impact 住房 commitments to other students? 除非有紧急情况, The Housing Accommodation Committee will provide a written response for all completed requests, 如上所定义, 在下一个申请截止日期(3月1日)后的15个工作日内, 6月15日或11月1日). 经批准后, designated 住房 staff will notify students of their specific Resident Hall information. 如果被拒绝,请参见下面的上诉程序.


如果你的住房申请被批准, the Housing Accommodation Committee will notify Residence Life staff specifying a 住房 recommendation. 住房部将为你确定一个具体的房间分配. Your accommodation will remain on file for as long as you live on campus, you will not need to reapply for an approved 住房 accommodation unless you are receiving accommodations for a temporary disability. 你的房间分配可能每年都在变化. The Office of 访问教育 has no influence on a specific room or residence hall assignment. Housing should be contacted with questions or concerns about your room assignment and/or your 住房 contract.


  • Provide a low-distraction living environment accommodation based solely on a diagnosis of ADHD or a learning disability.
  • 提供一个没有灰尘、霉菌或过敏原的住所.


If the Housing Accommodation Committee finds that a requested accommodation is not necessary and/or unreasonable, the student may file a written appeal to Yves-Rose Porcena Vice President for Equity and Inclusion/Section 504 Coordinator within five (5) business days of the denial. The appeal will be considered only on the basis of written materials, 仅提供信息和/或文件.

The appeal must be based upon one or more of the following criteria:

  • 在考虑有关要求时所犯的程序错误
  • 在提出请求时无法获得新的资料(1).e. 最新医疗信息)
  • 根据书面记录,这一决定显然是错误的

Upon receipt of the appeal staff will review all of the relevant information and provide a written response within ten business days either granting the appeal and modifying the initial decision, 或者驳回上诉,维持原判. 这个决定是最终的.

Nothing in the policy shall prohibit a student who believes that they may have been subjected to disability discrimination to utilize the College’s Grievance Procedures and/or to pursue a complaint with the 民权办公室.
